Philip Campbell
John Wesley Iliff Senior Adjunct Lecturer in Ministry & Social Justice
- BA, Phillips University
- MDiv, Iliff School of Theology
- DMin, Pacific School of Religion
Phil Campbell is the former pastor of Northern Light United Church in Juneau, Alaska, a multicultural union congregation affiliated with the United Methodist Church and the Presbyterian Church (USA). Prior to assuming the Northern Light position in 2010, Campbell spent five years as a visiting member of the Iliff faculty, where he taught courses in leadership and administration, the practice of ministry ,UCC history and polity, race and privilege, and a variety of other social justice issues. He is the author of “Individualism, Iliff Faculty 124, Iliff Faculty 125 Social Analysis and Ministry Formation,” in Jenkins and Rogers, Equipping the Saints: Best Practices in Contextual Theological Education, and a contributor to the Feasting on the Word Lectionary Commentary Series. Campbell is a clergyperson in the United Church of Christ and currently living in Colorado.