

In addition to serving the students, faculty, staff, and alumni/ae of the Iliff School of Theology, the library is also open to the public. We welcome members of community to visit us and make use of the Ira J. Taylor Library.

All of our users are expected to abide by library and school policies, including the following:

Circulation Information & Policy

Computer Use Policy

Copy, Print, and Scan Policy

Study Carrel Policy

General Policies

The covenant for community is an effort to live out the vision and mission of the Iliff School of Theology and to embody the values expressed therein. As members of the Iliff community, the library aspires to abide by the processes set forth in our respective handbooks (students, trustees, faculty, staff) and the principles of interaction outline in our Iliff Community Covenant.

Cell Phones

Cell phone conversations should only be conducted on the main floor. As a consideration to other patrons, please silence your cell phone when you enter our space. Also, in order to maintain an atmosphere for study and reading on the top and bottom floors, it is requested that you do not conduct cell phone conversations there.


In light of possible injury and other liability concerns, Iliff’s policy is that children under the age of 12 may not be left unsupervised in any Iliff academic facilities. We cannot be responsible for computer use by children and expect that children under the age of 12 will be accompanied and supervised by a responsible adult at all times. Because the library supports open access to the Internet for research purposes, we cannot be responsible for intentional or inadvertent viewing of particular sites by children or other patrons.

Food & Drink

Please be mindful of our computers and books by keeping food and drinks from damaging them. Please help us prevent damage to books, furniture, and carpets by reporting any spills to the library staff.

Collection Privledges

Staff may deny collection privileges to users with unpaid fines. We accept cash or checks for fines. If a user wishes to appeal a fine, a written rationale must be sent to All users, including visitors, are expected to abide by any other policies that govern the faculty, students, and staff of Iliff, including those published in the Master’s Student Handbook.


Although we are concerned with protecting your privacy, patrons should be aware that, under the auspices of the USA Patriot Act, library records can be subpoenaed by the federal government.